''manav seva madhav seva '' : RSS

RSS was founded in 1925 by Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, who was a doctor in the central Indian city of Nagpur. Hedgewar as a medical student in Kolkata had been a part of the revolutionary activities of the Anushilan Samiti and Jugantar striving to free India from British rul. He had been charged with sedition in 1921 by the British Administration and was imprisoned for a year. After returning to Nagpur, he was briefly a member of Indian National Congress before he left it in 1925, to form the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh. After the formation of the RSS, Hedgewar kept the organization from having any direct affiliation with any of the political organisations then fighting British rule. But Hedgewar and teams of volunteers, took part in the Indian National Congress, led movements against the British rule. Hedgewar was arrested in the Jungle Satyagraha agitation in 1931 and served a second term in prison.
The RSS was established as a educational body whose objective was to train a group of Hindus, who on the basis of their character would work to unite the Hindu community so that India could become an Independent country and a creative society

Monday, November 30, 2009

Mohan ji Bhagwat in Bangalore 22-nov-09:-01

Mohan ji Bhagwat in Bangalore 22-nov-09:-01
Posted: 29 Nov 2009 07:20 PM PST

Admire INDIA
Posted: 29 Nov 2009 05:04 AM PST
It is my request that you go through these facts about ancient Indian
achievers and take pride in being an Indian.
(B+VE - ITS ME.)

Here are a few examples of how great developments in human society were
the contributions of great Bharatiyas (Indians), long before these
discoveries were possible anywhere else. But to truly appreciate and
understand their works and contribution one needs to learn Sanskrit,
otherwise one will remain forever ignorant of these important texts. Who
knows Sanskrit and is willing to research further? Anyone? This is the
problem at its root and this is the true reason why we are so ignorant
of these people and our great Indian heritage.


Born in 476 CE in Kusumpur ( Bihar ), Aryabhatt's intellectual
brilliance remapped the boundaries of mathematics and astronomy. In 499
CE, at the age of 23, he wrote a text on astronomy and an unparallel
treatise on mathematics called 'Aryabhatiyam.' He formulated the process
of calculating the motion of planets and the time of eclipses. Aryabhatt
was the first to proclaim that the earth is round, it rotates on its
axis, orbits the sun and is suspended in space - 1000 years before
Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He is also acknowledged
for calculating p (Pi) to four decimal places: 3.1416 and the sine table
in trigonometry. Centuries later, in 825 CE, the Arab mathematician,
Mohammed Ibna Musa credited the value of Pi to the Indians, 'This value
has been given by the Hindus.' And above all, his most spectacular
contribution was the concept of zero without which modern computer
technology would have been non-existent. Aryabhatt was a colossus in the
field of mathematics.

(1114-1183 CE)

Born in the obscure village of Vijjadit (Jalgaon) in Maharastra,
Bhaskaracharya's work in Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry catapulted him
to fame and immortality. His renowned mathematical works called
'Lilavati' and 'Bijaganita' are considered to be unparalled and a
memorial to his profound intelligence. Its translation in several
languages of the world bear testimony to its eminence. In his treatise '
Siddhant Shiromani ' he writes on planetary positions, eclipses,
cosmography, mathematical techniques and astronomical equipment. In the
' Surya Siddhant ' he makes a note on the force of gravity: 'Objects
fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth. Therefore, the
earth, planets, constellations, moon, and sun are held in orbit due to
this attraction.' Bhaskaracharya was the first to discover gravity, 500
years before Sir Isaac Newton . He was the champion among mathematicians
of ancient and medieval India . His works fired the imagination of
Persian and European scholars, who through research on his works earned
fame and popularity.

(600 BCE)

As the founder of ' Vaisheshik Darshan '- one of six principal
philosophies of India - Acharya Kanad was a genius in philosophy. He is
believed to have been born in Prabhas Kshetra near Dwarika in Gujarat .
He was the pioneer expounder of realism, law of causation and the atomic
theory. He has classified all the objects of creation into nine
elements, namely: earth, water, light, wind, ether, time, space, mind
and soul. He says, 'Every object of creation is made of atoms which in
turn connect with each other to form molecules.' His statement ushered
in the Atomic Theory for the first time ever in the world, nearly 2500
years before John Dalton . Kanad has also described the dimension and
motion of atoms and their chemical reactions with each other. The
eminent historian, T.N. Colebrook , has said, 'Compared to the
scientists of Europe , Kanad and other Indian scientists were the global
masters of this field.'


He was an extraordinary wizard of science born in the nondescript
village of Baluka in Madhya Pradesh . His dedicated research for twelve
years produced maiden discoveries and inventions in the faculties of
chemistry and metallurgy. Textual masterpieces like ' Ras Ratnakar ,'
'Rashrudaya' and 'Rasendramangal' are his renowned contributions to the
science of chemistry. Where the medieval alchemists of England failed,
Nagarjuna had discovered the alchemy of transmuting base metals into
gold. As the author of medical books like 'Arogyamanjari' and 'Yogasar,'
he also made significant contributions to the field of curative
medicine. Because of his profound scholarliness and versatile knowledge,
he was appointed as Chancellor of the famous University of Nalanda .
Nagarjuna's milestone discoveries impress and astonish the scientists of

(600 BCE)

Acharya Charak has been crowned as the Father of Medicine. His renowned
work, the ' Charak Samhita ', is considered as an encyclopedia of
Ayurveda. His principles, diagoneses, and cures retain their potency and
truth even after a couple of millennia. When the science of anatomy was
confused with different theories in Europe , Acharya Charak revealed
through his innate genius and enquiries the facts on human anatomy,
embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation and diseases like diabetes,
tuberculosis, heart disease, etc. In the ' Charak Samhita ' he has
described the medicinal qualities and functions of 100,000 herbal
plants. He has emphasized the influence of diet and activity on mind and
body. He has proved the correlation of spirituality and physical health
contributed greatly to diagnostic and curative sciences. He has also
prescribed and ethical charter for medical practitioners two centuries
prior to the Hippocratic oath. Through his genius and intuition, Acharya
Charak made landmark contributions to Ayurvedal. He forever remains
etched in the annals of history as one of the greatest and noblest of


A genius who has been glowingly recognized in the annals of medical
science. Born to sage Vishwamitra, Acharya Sudhrut details the first
ever surgery procedures in ' Sushrut Samhita ,' a unique encyclopedia of
surgery. He is venerated as the father of plastic surgery and the
science of anesthesia. When surgery was in its infancy in Europe ,
Sushrut was performing Rhinoplasty (restoration of a damaged nose) and
other challenging operations. In the ' Sushrut Samhita ,' he prescribes
treatment for twelve types of fractures and six types of dislocations.
His details on human embryology are simply amazing. Sushrut used 125
types of surgical instruments including scalpels, lancets, needles,
Cathers and rectal speculums; mostly designed from the jaws of animals
and birds. He has also described a number of stitching methods; the use
of horse's hair as thread and fibers of bark. In the ' Sushrut Samhita
,' and fibers of bark. In the ' Sushrut Samhita ,' he details 300 types
of operations. The ancient Indians were the pioneers in amputation,
caesarian and cranial surgeries. Acharya Sushrut was a giant in the
arena of medical science.


renowned astrologer and astronomer who was honored with a special
decoration and status as one of the nine gems in the court of King
Vikramaditya in Avanti ( Ujjain ). Varahamihir's book 'panchsiddhant'
holds a prominent place in the realm of astronomy. He notes that the
moon and planets are lustrous not because of their own light but due to
sunlight. In the ' Bruhad Samhita ' and ' Bruhad Jatak ,' he has
revealed his discoveries in the domains of geography, constellation,
science, botany and animal science. In his treatise on botanical
science, Varamihir presents cures for various diseases afflicting plants
and trees. The rishi-scientist survives through his unique contributions
to the science of astrology and astronomy.


The Science of Yoga is one of several unique contributions of India to
the world. It seeks to discover and realize the ultimate Reality through
yogic practices. Acharya Patanjali , the founder, hailed from the
district of Gonda (Ganara) in Uttar Pradesh . He prescribed the control
of prana (life breath) as the means to control the body, mind and soul.
This subsequently rewards one with good health and inner happiness.
Acharya Patanjali 's 84 yogic postures effectively enhance the
efficiency of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive and
endocrine systems and many other organs of the body. Yoga has eight
limbs where Acharya Patanjali shows the attainment of the ultimate bliss
of God in samadhi through the disciplines of: yam, niyam, asan,
pranayam, pratyahar, dhyan and dharna. The Science of Yoga has gained
popularity because of its scientific approach and benefits. Yoga also
holds the honored place as one of six philosophies in the Indian
philosophical system. Acharya Patanjali will forever be remembered and
revered as a pioneer in the science of self-discipline, happiness and


Acharya Bharadwaj had a hermitage in the holy city of Prayag and was an
ordent apostle of Ayurveda and mechanical sciences. He authored the '
Yantra Sarvasva ' which includes astonishing and outstanding discoveries
in aviation science, space science and flying machines. He has described
three categories of flying machines: 1.) One that flies on earth from
one place to another. 2.) One that travels from one planet to another.
3.) And One that travels from one universe to another. His designs and
descriptions have impressed and amazed aviation engineers of today. His
brilliance in aviation technology is further reflected through
techniques described by him:
1.) Profound Secret: The technique to make a flying machine invisible
through the application of sunlight and wind force.
2.) Living Secret: The technique to make an invisible space machine
visible through the application of electrical force.
3.) Secret of Eavesdropping: The technique to listen to a conversation
in another plane.
4.) Visual Secrets: The technique to see what's happening inside another
Through his innovative and brilliant discoveries, Acharya Bharadwaj has
been recognized as the pioneer of aviation technology.


Celebrated as the founder of Sankhya philosophy, Acharya Kapil is
believed to have been born in 3000 BCE to the illustrious sage Kardam
and Devhuti. He gifted the world with the Sankhya School of Thought. His
pioneering work threw light on the nature and principles of the ultimate
Soul (Purusha), primal matter (Prakruti) and creation. His concept of
transformation of energy and profound commentaries on atma, non-atma and
the subtle elements of the cosmos places him in an elite class of master
achievers - incomparable to the discoveries of other cosmologists. On
his assertion that Prakruti, with the inspiration of Purusha, is the
mother of cosmic creation and all energies, he contributed a new chapter
in the science of cosmology. Because of his extrasensory observations
and revelations on the secrets of creation, he is recognized and saluted
as the Father of Cosmology.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Balagokulam makes an impact

Posted: 02 Oct 2009 02:51 PM PDT

'Balagokulam’, a Sangh affiliated organisation of children, celebratedKrishna Jayanti on Ashtami Rohini, September 11, 2009. Named‘Gitamritham 5011’, the highlights of the celebrations this year were‘Goupuja’, ‘Vrikshapuja’, ‘Nadhi-puja’ in 5,000 different corners ofthe State in which lakhs participated.

On 12th evening cultural pageantry comprising of a largenumber of children dressed as Krishna, gopa, gopis, kuchelas, Pandavasand elephants along with traditional Kerala musical instruments, wereorganised in almost 500 centres in the State. A large number ofparents, well-wishers and devotees participated in the cultural rallysinging Hare Rama Hare Krishna and both sides of the road were packedwith viewers. A welcome change from the usual political sloganshouting.

Balagokulam, Kerala’s largest children’s organisation hascrossed all boundaries of caste, religion, political, social andeconomic barriers. Even parents with communist background send theirchildren to Gita and Purana classes of ‘Balagokulam’ and to the annualprocession. Even comrades have no hesitation in participating in theprocession singing bhajans. Christians and Muslims also crowd in largenumber to view the procession and encourage the children dressed inPuranic costumes.

Malayala Manorama, largest Malayalam daily, gave maximumpublicity to the event giving scores of colour photos both in frontpage and in special pull-outs. Other media (print and electronic) gavewide coverage to the event.

Padma Shri P Parameswaran flagged off the procession inThiruvananthapuram, which started at Ganesh temple and ended atPadmanabha temple. In many centres leading cultural icons, filmpersonalities, top government and police officials, professionals,retired army officials etc. inaugurated the rally and participated invarious pujas.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Vande Mataram should be made optional: Tharoor

Vande Mataram should be made optional: Tharoor

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:57 PM PST

Thiruvananthpuram: Union minister for state for external affairs Shashi Tharoor, who has penchant for controversy, has called for making the national song, 'Vande Mataram', optional.

"We've had an unseemly controversy in north about the national song, Vande Mataram. I've always tried to explain to people, yes, the national anthem and the national flag stand high in our Constitution. There are laws protecting them. The national song, like the national sport, is optional. Sing it out of respect for the motherland. Do not sing it if you do not want to. No one forces you," Tharoor said addressing a gathering at the CSI Christ Church here on November 15. The event was in connection with 150 years of the church.

Tharoor's comments gain significance in Kerala in light of the furore over Jamiat-e-Ulema Hind's fatwa against Vande Mataram being sung by Muslims. According to clerics, certain verses of the song composed by late Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay were against Islam's tenets. The BJP was quick to slam Tharoor.

Event to remember 26-11 [Bangalore]. Please join!

Posted: 18 Nov 2009 09:59 AM PST

Date - 26th November 2009, Thursday

Venue - Gandhi Statue, M.G.Road, Opposite to Cubbon Park Main Entrance, Bangalore

Time - 7-00 pm to 7-30 pm evening

Kindly forward this message to everyone who may join!

Monday, November 16, 2009

RSS chief's Pune speech again misinterpreted, wronged . Identify the mischief maker!

RSS chief's Pune speech again misinterpreted, wronged . Identify the mischief maker!

Posted: 14 Nov 2009 10:34 PM PST

Shri Mohan Rao Bhagwat, Param Pujya Sarsanghchalak of the RSS never said the lines which have been attributed to him by certain news agencies (that he said ‘BJP a divided house’). He was at Pune today to participate in the 115th birth anniversary of a great social reformer Lahuji Ustad. I tried to know the facts late night from Pune and was told thathe said that, India stands as a divided house today on caste, parochialism and language lines. His entire speech given at Pune would be on the RSS website www.rss.org soon.

Thiswas interpreted by some media men with vested interest as a comment on the BJP.And the news was flashed across. The mischief to misinterpret and distort thestatements of the Sarsanghchalak is on.

Identifythe mischief makers!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

"INDIA BATTELS TO WIN" Released By RSS Sarsanghchalak

"INDIA BATTELS TO WIN" Released By RSS Sarsanghchalak

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 01:34 PM PST
Tarun Vijay Book Release "INDIA BATTELS TO WIN"

1) All videos available on RSS youtube channel www.youtube.com/RSSOwner (Subscribe To Channel for future video Updates)

2) RSS Sarsanghchalak First speech in English, which Mohanji transformed first in Hinglish and finally in Pure Hindi. But massage was clear "for nation pride every one must join hands".

“What is India battling to win, we have to go into the roots as well as the upper part of the situation or currently prevailing in the country,” this is how Shri Mohan Rao Bhagwat Ji, Sarsanghchalak, RSS described about the book – ‘‘India battles to win.’’
“I used to write a compact and condensed content without diluting the content. I used to say right from my heart. I never felt to dilute the ideas which were predominating me and my mind.” Said the author Tarun Vijay
Describing his earlier instint of life, somewhere down the line, I was meant to go for the creative part of the society whereby I could have contributed to the extent possible, I feel to contribute. That is different thing; my parents never liked neither professed. At times, they failed to understand as to what exactly, I wish to do in my life. But the then I had my own way to express the ideas, so, because my ideas and conviction, today Iam here.
People might be working for the different organizations, they could be working in Assam, Jharkhand, or any part of the country and from any profession, but the purpose and logic of working is the same to fight for the cause and reach the goal --- this is what we call --- India battles to win.
“Yes we are battling, to go forward, since we got independence, we are free. But then what is holding us back and why is battling? We are battling and we feel battling against Jihadis, terrorists and other forces in and around the country, we will win. But Iam not sure how to achieve the goal, because the leadership is so fragmented and we don’t know where to reach,” said Sunjay Gupta editor-in-chief, Jagran Group.
“The essence of democracy should be public debate. This is an effort to make memories things. The society should not forget but memories,” Said Shekhar Gupta, editor-in-chief of Indian Express. Like 1962 war, we don’t want to memories it. “This book is there to put insight into the current forces of the country. Disagreement, we cherish more than anything else,” he added.
“He has immense knowledge of geo-politics and contemporary vision of the society,” said Rajesh Kalra, editor-in-chief, the Times Internet India. And finally, the book praises the internal and external forces and as to how we can reach the goal. Rupa & Co published and presented the book on Wednesday, 28October 2009 in the Balyogi Auditorium, Parliament Library Building, New Delhi.

Mohanji speech part 1:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaKF9lAMLW4
Mohanji Speech part 2:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k2hKWzIYTw
other people speech :-

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vijayanagar -Part 12 -THE HAUNTING QUESTIONS

Vijayanagar -Part 12 -THE HAUNTING QUESTIONS

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 11:24 PM PST

Nothing can be said in defence of Hindu troops that lost the war. The long history India has seen so many of such battles being fought. But four major wars that resulted in the complete downfall of the country are:

1. Battle of Panipat ( Haryana): Fought three times at the same venue. First was Babar against Ibrahim lodhi in 1526 resulting in victory of Babar. Second was between Akbar and Hemu in 1556 and the third battle of Panipat was between Marathas and Afghans in 1761.

2. Battle of Plassey(West Bengal):Between Robert Clive and Siraj Ud daulah in 1757 which led to the Major victory of British in India.

3. Haldighati(Udaipur, Rajasthan): Between Raja Man singh, General of Akbar and Rana pratap Singh in 1576.

4. The battle of Talikota ( Karnataka): Fought between combined forces of Islam in south India and the vijayanagar troops in 1565 leading to the complete downfall of Hindu empire in south India.

All these were mainly fought in 15th century which subsequently lead to the downfall of whole of India for the next 4 centuries.

Some questions still haunt when spoken of Vijayanagar:

1 . Did the rulers of Vijayanagar remember the very idea and motto of their existence?

2. Was there no social and national awareness among the people of capital city? Why did they not show any resistance to the agressors?

3. Is the wealth and vast army sufficient to protect the Kingdom?

4. When Gilani soldiers were secretly invited to the enemy camp what was the intelligence of Ramaraya doing?

5. Tirumala and Venkatadri had once intrigued against Ramaraya for the throne and when the oppurtunity came after his death, why did they turn their backs to the Hindu empire?

6. Why didn`t the troops fight even after the death of Ramaraya? Was there no one, even a single soldier who could lead the army?

7. Is Krishnadeva Raya justified in nominating Achyuthadeva Raya as his successor?

The Great empire of Vijayanagar did not even last for 35 years after Krishnadeva Raya. Was there no other king being raised for the very purpose of leading the country. Was the royal family runout of such able children?

The history imposes on us, such questions and prompts us to learn some lessons.

It is said that "if you dont learn lessons from History, History will teach you a Lesson"

Time to think, ponder and learn.

Sidhi Baat with Mohanji RSS Sarsanghchalak on Aaj-Tak [Videos]

Sidhi Baat with Mohanji RSS Sarsanghchalak on Aaj-Tak [Videos]

Posted: 07 Nov 2009 10:11 AM PST

In a candid conversation with Editor Prabhu Chawla for the Seedhi Baat show on Aaj Tak channel at the RSS office in Jhandewalan in Delhi, Mohanji talks about subjects ranging from the future leadership of the BJP to Vande Mataram, from Chidambaram to Modi, from Pakistan to China-and more.

For Videos Visit

RSS Youtube Channel :- www.youtube.com/RSSOwner

Or Links

Part 1:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Paicn2YsV8A
part 2:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9IPx4U-wus
part 3:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxUnEIw3mYo

Namaste Ji,

To breach the gap between Sangh (RSS) and Common people; To remove the Misconception about Sangh and Sangh work (spread many time by media or because of ignorance about ideology); we have started a YouTube channel and have made arrangements so that we can get updated videos and documentaries from Sangh. Once the process is synchronised it might well be made official YouTube channel.

Link to the channel: http://www.youtube.com/RSSOwner or use link http://zi.pe/f6

Kindly 'SUBSCRIBE' it by pressing 'subscribe' button on the left. You will be asked your GMAIL account and/or YouTube account. You will then get regular updates delivered in your Inbox!

If you have any videos to be added, please give it's link by mail or for any suggestion or complaint write to virtualshakha@gmail.com.

Also post your comments, give ranking to videos, Add this video in your Orkut profile, Blogs, etc.

Please circulate this mail ahead.

Some Achievement Till Date:-

1) Already more than 125 videos available on channel and many more videos will be soon available.
2) Many time YouTube ranked channel in India's top subscriber in month and in many other rankings. Current Ranking 6th in Reporter Group.

To Watch Video Please Click on specific heading:

-: Doctor Ji Life journey :-
-: Guruji Life Journey :-
-: Sewa Work Of RSS :-
-: Speeches of P. P. Sarsanghachalak Mohanji Bhagwat :-

Indus Saga

Indus Saga

Posted: 18 Sep 2009 11:02 AM PDT
We are Indians and the nation Hindustan or India, and our Dharma Hindu because there is a river Sindhu also known as Indus. All these names describing our identity are derived from Sindhu and Indus. Sindhu is one of the most revered seven rivers Hindus worship, the other six being-Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Saraswati, Brahmaputra and Kaveri.
No other river on earth can claim this unique distinction as Sindhu. Five thousand year civilisation, culture, tradition and an entire life style is identified with Sindhu. The people living across it were called Sindhu-*Putras * or Hindus as the Greek could pronounce 'S' as 'H' only.
Sindhu's roar is described in the Rig Veda like this,' His roar is lifted up to heaven above the earth; he puts forth endless vigour with flash of light…Even as cows with milk rush to their calves, so other rivers roar into Sindhu. As a warrior king leads other warriors, so does Sindhu lead other rivers.' Sanskrit scholars say that Sindhu is used more than thirty times by the vedic seer in the Vedas while Ganga finds much less mention- just five times.
Like Himalayas, Sindhu is a blessing to the mother earth and her children. The only two rivers described as 'He' rivers buy the Vedas because of their ferocious flow, 'sky reaching' roar of the water and sea like vastness are Brahmaputra and Sindhu. Rishis of the yore named ocean or *Sagar* as Sindhu also –describing the sea as vast and deep as our river Sindhu!! There can't be a greater tribute to the glory and power of this river that has given a name to our civilisation and nation both.
Sindhu or Indus is one of the mightiest rivers of our planet with an astonishing length of 2900 km. Rising in south-western Tibet, at an altitude of 16,000 feet, Sindhu enters the Indian territory near Demchok in Ladakh.The author had the good fortune to lead the first ever Indus expedition in the independent India which traversed from the point Sindhu enters in Ladakh (L.A.C.) and driving along its majestic flow till Batalik where it flows down placidly into the presently Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. The total length that Sindhu travels within the present Indian boundary ( L.A.C. to L.O.C.) is app. 550 kms.
Sindhu is divine with an indescribable beauty and charm. Its water, till Zanskar meets it 30 kms down Leh, is transparently pearl blue and Budhist devotees believe it is pure Manasarovar water since till here no other river mingles with it .The source of Sindhu is in the Nyari province of western Tibet in the Kailas Manasarovar region, which is also a source to Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali. According to the ztibetan scriptures as well as Vedic ones, Sindhu is a Lion river, while Brahmaputra, Sutlej and Karnali are respectively Elephant, Horse and Peocock rivers. According to the famous swami Pranavananda ji, who traveled Kailas region 51 times and wrote the most scientific and a reference book for the pilgrims as well as geologists, even the source of Ganga is in Manasarovar from where a small hidden channel reaches Gangotri.
On the Tibetan side yogi Milarepa's cave is situated on the Sindhu banks and on Indian side ancient Buddhist monasteries like Hemis,Thikse Gompa,Stok Palace,Alchi Gompa are situated. Buddhist Lamas consider the holy water of Sindhu bestowed with miraculous curing affects and during winter when the water is crystal clear, they preserve it in bottles to be used for medicinal and spiritual purposes.
Sindhu represents the age-old civilisational flow of our nation. It has been a witness to ups and downs and victories and defeats of Sindhu *putras*since the days of Alexander who returned from its banks till the Kargil victory.
It's a unique symbol of friendship between people of three countries India, Pakistan and China (Tibet), enriching all without any discrimination or prejudice. When it reaches the present region of Pakistan, the vastness and the spread becomes unbelievable. Three years before while returning from USA in the Prime Minister's special plane, our pilot captain Patil showed me the great expanse of the river flying over Bahawalpur area in Pakistan. It was like an ocean and seemed a seamless, endless empire of liquid silver as the grey lights of the pre-dawn moments reflected in its water on that Vijayadashmi day. It was mesmerizing experience, unforgettable and rare. Ironically we do not have much literature on Indus River. Though the civilisational aspects of the Indus valley and Harappan era are found in ample.I remembered while searching books on the river Indus in 96-97, in course of preparing for the festival at Leh, I couldn't find a single book that would describe the river's history and geography, until I stumbled upon a fabulously produced book by Imran Khan, famous cricketer turned politician of Pakistan. It's a magnificent saga of Sindhu written with verve and passion by Imran Khan with equally beautiful photographs shot by famed lens man of New York Times Mike Goldwater. When I wrote to Imran detailing about my concept of a festival to celebrate Indus in Ladakh, he gave a very polite and encouraging reply offering all help in this regard.
I have had the good fortune to see Sindhu in India almost in every season and in different moods. The sounds of silence on its banks, the silvery dark placid flow like a grand master of time and space contemplating for the next creation, and in January when Sindhu looks static under a white chador, letting you cross his expanse on foot and even on lorries and Maruti Gypsies, while underneath the magical heavenly flow moves on as silently as the walk of a star in the endless space.
The drive along the Sindhu is the most enchanting and rewarding one, because you never know what surprise is waiting just after the next curve. A divine feast of colours like blue, deep sky blue, gray, off-white and sometimes shining sandy hues mingling with the sand dunes on the banks, sure reminders of the existence of sea millions of years ago in this part of our geography. When the sun walks west, the shades too change to a mellow orange, golden like liquid gold, fiery reddish and dark chocolate, turning finally into a silver gray and inviting black.
The Sindhu saga is as endless and mesmerizing as his eternal flow.
The spirit and the message of Sindhu are simply love and friendship. While it represents India's culture and civilization, it is also a symbol of social harmony and a salute to our brave soldiers. The charm and innocence of te Bddha land-Ladakh, the intermingling of various faiths, the patriotic fervour of the Ladakhi people,chants of O Mani padme Hum... all this is so close yet, not so finely registered in our mids. Many of us still think Sindhu is in Pakistan. How many of us Indians know that this river is just an hour's flight from Delhi , and we need no visa or passport to offer our tributes, how many wish to go to the banks of this great river, that gave us our identity ?
( tarunvijay@vsnl.com)
(Tarun Vijay was the founder convenor of the Indus Festival in Leh,and led Indus Expedition in 2000).
*From our scriptures** *
In the Mahabharat, the Sindhu is reverentially mentioned along with other two holy rivers, the Ganga and Saraswati. References to the Sindhu are also seen in many ancient literary works like those of Kalidasa, Bana, Panini. The fame of the mighty Sindhu had spread even beyond the subcontinent and it found reflections in the literary works of the Greek and Roman empires. It finds mention in some of the earlier literature of India. Kalidasa says in the Raghuvansha that on the advice of his maternal uncle Yudhajat, Rama conferred Sindh on Bharata. Rama's ancestor Raghu's triumphant horses had relaxed on the bank of the Sindhu.
Another great Sanskrit poet, Bhasa, had done a whole play, "Avimark" on the romance of Prince Avimark with Princess Kurangadi of Sindhu-Sauvira.
The Bhavishya Purana says that Shalivahana, the grandson of Maharaja Vikramaditya of Ujjain, established law and order in 'Sindhusthan" and fixed his frontier on the Sindhu.
Anshnath, the eleventh Jain Tirthankar, was a Sindhi. He died in Bengal. The Jaina Dakshinya Chihna (eight century) speaks of Sindhis as "elegant, with a lovely, soft and slow gait. They are fond of songs, music and dance and feel affection for their country".
There is a legend that the great Buddha had graced Sindh with his visit. Finding the climate extreme, and the area dry and dusty, he had permitted the bhikshus to wear shoes here. He had also permitted the use of padded clothing, forbidden elsewhere. Here Sthavirtis, the Prince of Rorik or Roruka (Aror or Alor, near modern Rohri) became his disciple.
When the Buddha went round his native Kapilavastu in a chariot, it was mentioned that the "four auspicious horses, of lotus colour, had come from Sindhudesh".
To this day, historic Buddhist stupas are found in Sindh. The Divyavadana (Tibetan version) reports: "The Buddha is in Rajgriha. At this time, there were two great cities in Jampudvip (north India), Pataliputra and Roruka. When Roruka rises, Pataliputra declines; when Pataliputra rises, Roruka declines". Here was Roruka of Sindh competing with the capital of the Magadha empire. When Bimbisar was the king of the Magadha, he sent Rudrayan, king of Sindhu-Sauvita, a rare portrait of the Buddha. The two powerful ministers of Sindh at the time were Hiroo and Bheru, their names still common amongst the Sindhis!
Chandragupta Maurya first won Sindh and then Punjab. It was from this base that he displaced the Nandas, occupied Pataliputra and established the great Mauryan empire.
Sindh was part of Dasaratha's empire. When Kekayi goes into a sulk, Dasaratha tells her, "The sun does not set on my empire. Sindh, Sauvira, Saurashtra, Anga, vanga, Magadha, Kashi, Koshal -- they are all mine". When Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, Rama sent the vanaras (monkeys) to look for her, among other places, in Sindh with its "remarkable swimming horses".
Kashmir's ancient royal history Rajatirangini has many references to Sindh and the Sindhis. Kuya's son Sindhu rose to lead the elephant brigade of Kashmir. He was advisor to Queen Dida. A top honour was "Sindhu Gaja", Elephant of Sindh. *Indus in India* After flowing eleven miles beyond Leh, Sindhu is joined on the left by its first tributary, the Zanskar, which helps green the Zanskar Valley.Manyinteresting mountain trails beckon the mountaineering enthusiasts to the Zanskar Valley. The Sindhu then flows past Batalik. The mighty Indus when it enters the plains is joined by its famous five tributaries the Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej giving Punjab-"Land of five rivers"- its name.
Rafting in the Indus has also become an attractive feature for tourists.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sewa Bharathi AP Final Report on flood relief

Sewa Bharathi AP Final Report on flood relief

Posted: 08 Nov 2009 05:54 AM PST
Seva Bharathi’s Succor to the flood victims

SevaBharathi is a service organization started by few concerned serviceoriented persons inspired by the ideals of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.It has grown to manage 1.5 lac service activities all over India.
Thesudden floods in four districts of Andhra Pradesh state createddevastation in the lives of more than two lakhs families completelymaking them home less. The death toll as per the papers is increased to200 hundred people and an unaccounted number of animals have been drownin flood water. The government has declared that the estimated loss ofthe floods is Rs.12,225 corers in addition to the infrastructure damage of Rs. 10,000 crores.
Thefloods affected districts in Kurnool are due to overflow of Thungabadraand Kundu rivers and Srislaiam dam; Mahboob Nagar, Guntur and Krishnadistricts are due to The Krishna river floods.
Allthe roads and railway lines and communications system have beencompletely broke down. Many villages cannot be reached even today.Railway lines are assured to get repaired at the earliest. Roads cannotbe repaired soon.
TheKrishna, Godavari district has the history of getting affected byfloods and cyclones from time to time has they are located in low tideareas. The Mahaboob Nagar and Kurnool districts are historically drydistricts and are frequently affected by drought. It is first time inthe History after 100 years they have been affected so badly.
Seva Bharathi’s vast resource of compassionate voluntary force was supplemented by the dedicated volunteers from other like minded organizations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Akhil Bharatiya Vidhyarthi Parishad, Saraswati Vidya Pitham and Rashtra Sevika Samiti. Seva Bharathi being the largest non governmental organization in India, with its volunteers located each and every corner of affected areas, responded swiftly to help the affected before anybody including government could reach these areas. Despite the availability of only little material resources and funds, Swayam Sevaks raised above the expectations to serve and reach each and every affected persons in these disastrous times.
Methodology adopted in Flood Relief :
Phase 1

1. Rescuing the people from Submerged Areas
2. Reaching Cooked and Packaged food material to the affected people in the submerged areas.
3. Establishing the relief camps and serving cooked meals.
4. Establishing Medical Camps



No of Relief Camps conducted
Supply of Food Packets

* Rice Packets
* Chapati Packets
* Bread Pakets
* Buiscuit Packets

No of People Rescued
No of people served Meals in Relief camps

2 Lacs
15 Lacs
2.2 Lacs
1.2 Lacs

1.5 Lacs
3 Lacs
1 Lac

Phase – 2

1. Surveying the villages and urban areas affected by the floods
2. Collecting the information of the affected families in the house to house survey. .
3. Issuing relief cards to all the affected families for the supply of Relief Material
4. Preparation of Relief Kits consisting of Food Grains, Utensils, Mats, Blankets, Clothing and other essentials.
5. Reaching the Relief material to all the affected families.
6. Cleaning the Public Places like schools, temples and helped several families.
7. Undertaken scavenging by collecting the scattered carcass and burying/ burning them.



Total affected
Survey done by our volunteers in
Food supplied by us in
Kits supplied by us in
Total No of the Affected
Food and Kits supplied to
Medical Help received by
No of Volunteers worked
No of Caracass Buried / Burnt
Total Cost of Material supplied
Cost of the Material contributed by other organizations

144 Villages
95 Villages
86 Villages
96 Villages
71,895 Families
51,070 Families
44 Villages
1,243 Nos
Rs. 2.51 Crores
Rs. 3.04 Crore

61 Villages
61 Villages
61 Villages
61 Villages
16,019 Families
39 Villages
1,560 Nos
Rs. 2.18 Crore
Rs. 0.98 Crore
Phase – 3

1. Rehabilitation – Supplying the implements to farmers and village artisans.
2. Supply of school kits to students.
3. Helping the weavers of Kurnool and Mahaboob Nagar districts to start their livelihood.
4. Construction of community centers to facilitate Education, Health and community activities.


Field of Activity

Cost Rs.

Study Kits

for 1st to 9th Class


for 10th Class


for Intermediate and above


Expenditure of Study Centre


Tools for Agriculture Labour


Tools for Artisan



Black Smith


Barber's kit


Washer Man's Kit


Construction Worker


Fisher Man


Stiching Machine






Health & Miscillaneous

Seva Bharathi volunteers are the first to jump in to serve in this time of great devastation despite their own families are flood affected. Seva Bharathi volunteers reached deep inside the flood affected area which is generally out of bounds for any vehicle, on two wheelers and on foot carrying food on their head, are the first to feed the people who were starving days together.
Thorough Surveying by Seva Bharathi’s Volunteers helped in making the relief material reach all the flood victims equally. These survey reports helped many other organizations to distribute their material to the real needyavoiding the duplication. Their surveys helped in identifying the realneeds of the victims and in turn had been very handy in serving thembetter. Established very disciplined and systematic distribution system for relief material.
Involved local residents in distribution process to affectively reach all the needy.
Seva bharathi identified people from certain sections of the society who never came out to take the relief material or food despite their suffering due to their self respect. Our Volunteers went to their houses to hand them these with love and affection and treated them with respect. Serving them food and water packets going to each and every house and talking to them with love and respect Firstand foremost thing in the mind of all our volunteers is to honor theself respect of all those affected whom they are serving.
Inthe second Phase operations, we handed over the food grains andnecessary amenity kits to all the affected families to start theirregular daily activities on their own.

Afterthe fury of floods and its devastation is known, every concernedcitizen tried to reach out to the needy. Several organizations whichcame forward with huge relief material could not reach it to the eachand every needy due to hungry and anxious mobs who could not becontrolled, amounting to the chaos in distribution.
RSS also initiated the process of bringing together and collaborating with various NGOs and individual philanthropists for a coordinated effort to use the resources in the better manner in doing relief work with the help of our volunteers and our survey reports in the affected villages. After working with our workers they exclaimed that “RSS really stands for Ready for Selfless Service”
Some of the other voluntary organizations helped in our Manava Seva:
Mamatha Welfare Society of Infosys Employees; Rama Krishna Mission, Sundara Satsang, Uppal, Hyderabad; Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad; Bharati Engineering College, Hyderabad; Cloth Merchants Association, Kamareddy; All Party Committee- Patancheru; Chilukuri Mahila Sangham, Tanduri Mahila Sangham, Vande Mataram Foundation, Gayatri Pariwar, Help for Needy, Sanskriti Foundation, Bharati Vikas Parishad, Shirdi Sai Seva Sadan, Nellore; Geetanjali School, Udayagiri, Nellore; Gopi Krishna High School, Ongole Automobile Dealers Association, Rajastan Samaj, Kadapa; Czech Colony Welfare Association, Hyderabad; Group of Employees from Mentor Gaphics, Mahatma Seva Samiti, Kodada; Pennar Industries Ltd, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Jayanti Committee, Pamidi Mandal; Telugu One Foundation.
First Phase of Relief Operations:
Kurnool :
Our Volunteers starteddistributing food packets brought by their fellow volunteers from theneighboring villages and Districts. RSS has supplied food packets to over one lac families in the district for the first 3 days reaching the interior rural areas of Karnool. Since the connectivity to Karnool has been cut off from Hyderabad, Material is being brought in from Anantapur, Kadapa, Nellore and Raichure of Karnataka
RSSvolunteers are the first to survey all the affected villages. Thisinformation helped in immensely in establishing distribution system forfood & water packets and later in the KITS distribution. Whiledoing the survey, our volunteers counseled the local people, collectedinformation and chose the volunteers among them which facilitatedsmooth and free distribution of kits and food material. This entireprocess instilled confidence in all those people hence they did notrush and did not create any problems in distribution.
RSS started the relief camps in Karnool town in Saraswati Sishu Mandir and G Pulla Reddy Engineering College. Supplied thousands food and water Packets to the Karnool town from here.
InKurnool 25,000 Flood affected people took shelter in the relief campsconducted by RSS and for three days cooked meals were served to them.Later on Volunteers reached them food and water packets at their homes
In Hindupur, Swayam Sevaks started 5 food preparation and collection Centres immediately on 3rd October sent 1 lac food packets to Kurnool. .
InAnantapur, Swayamsevaks started a food collection centre with anintention of sending 10,000 food packets. With an overwhelming responsefrom the people of Anantapur, the centre could prepare 50,000 packetsand other material worth 5 lacs sent for the needy in Karnool district.
In Dronachalam(Dhone), Swayamsevaks sent 50,000 food packets and 1 lac water packets for Karnool.
1 Lac Chapatis were sent by Swayam Sevaks from Tadipatri for distribution on 3rd Oct. Volunteers from Betamcherla prepared and supplied 1 Lac Cooked Food packets on 4th Oct.
One Swayam Sevak from Old Cityof Kurnool arranged meals for 1,000 people on the Terrace of theirApartment complex despite being their own Building is submerged.Despite being an affected person he is still conducting Medical Campsin Kurnool.
SwayamSevaks saved 72 people from the flood waters at Medara Veedhi, KurnoolTown. Some of our Swayam Sevaks helped government authorities to reachthe submerged areas in the district.
Inthe Tribal Belt- Shivapuram, our swayam Sevaks saved 50 people of thechenchu gudem from flood waters with the help of ropes.
At Gokavaram, Swayam Sevaks arranged Meals for 600 people for 6 days at Seva Bharathi Tribal Avas.
20 Swayam Sevaks assisted TV9 in their relief activities upon their request.
Volunteersfrom Nandikotkur went into the villages which went under the water andrescued 45 families and brought them to the safety and gave them food. Volunteers collected 30 quintals of Rice for distribution.
Drinking water is supplied in 4 Tractors for 6 days 16 hours a day.
Volunteersfrom Adoni went Mantralaya cleaned Mantralaya temple and cleared theDead Bodies of Cows of Goshala and other animals. Many of the dead arethe Piligrims to Mantrala Temple. Swayamsevaks(volunteers) has removedthese bodies and handed over to the police.
In Hyderabad, 2000 Swayamsevaks worked in collecting the funds, food and material which needed for flood affected. Twocollection centre are established at State HQ of RSS and KeshavMemorial School. Every Day 4 truck loads of food material, 2 trucksloads of other immediate necessities to flood affected areas. 200volunteers rushed to the flood affected areas to involve in the hygieneand sanitation work from the city.
Sri Raghavulu, All India Secreatary VHP, visited affected areas and met the volunteers involved in the work in Karnool,
Mahaboob Nagar :
Our Volunteers starteddistributing food packets brought by their fellow volunteers from theneighboring villages and Districts. RSS has supplied food packets to over one lac families in the districts in the first three 3 days reaching the interior rural areas of Mahaboob Nagar.
At Gadwal, A relief Camp is being conducted at TTD Kalyana Mandapam. Food packets are supplied to 61 Villages.
Ourvolunteers reached interior villages like Pullur, Karivipadu, Mettur,Tummilla, Tummalapalli on foot to reach food and water packets to theaffected families in the knee deep slush.
Conductedrelief camps at Sindhanur, Bhoidoddi, Bhoilagudem, TT Doddi even forthe flood victims coming in from the Karnataka and provided themshelter and food.
RSSvolunteers are the first to survey all the affected villages. Thisinformation helped immensely in establishing distribution system forfood & water packets and later in the KITS distribution. Whiledoing the survey, our volunteers counseled the local people, collectedinformation and involved the local people in the service activity whichfacilitated smooth distribution of kits and food material. This entireprocess instilled confidence in all those people hence they did notrush and did not create any problems in distribution.
In Hyderabad, 2000 Swayamsevaks collected the funds, food and material which needed for flood affected. Twocollection centre are established at State HQ of RSS and KeshavMemorial School. Every Day 4 truck loads of food material, 2 trucksloads of other immediate necessities to flood affected areas. 200volunteers rushed to the flood affected areas to involve in the hygieneand sanitation work from the city.
SriT V Deshmukh , State President of RSS and State Organizing Secretary ofSeva Bharati Sri Vidwan Reddy have visited Gadwal relief Camp and metthe volunteers working in Mahaboob Nagar.
Second Phase of Relief :
Kurnool :
Atpresent, We are trying to give the Basic Utility kits for the familiesof 5to6 k depending on the availability. We are also taking supportfrom other voluntary organizations in this regard to reach out to totalno of families
In addition to the local volunteers, 50 Senior volunteers are coordinating the activities in Kurnool and Mantralaya surroundings.
In the Kurnool Town, Team of 200 Volunteers are formed to help the citizens in removing the slush out of their houses.
In Kurnool Town, Swayam Sevaks cleaned 8 Temples and 3 Schools and made them habitable.
SevaBharathi is one of the very few Non Governmental Organizations allowedto distribute Food Packets around Kurnool District by the localadministration.
Keshava Reddy Group of educational institutions supplied 20 Vehicles towards the logistics of Relief Operations.
“Pullareddy Group of educational institutions” extended the necessary help through its resources in relief operations.
SeveralOrganizations and Individuals took the help of Seva Bharathi todistribute their Relief Material through its Network of volunteers asit has proven its skills in disaster management by distributingmaterial efficiently and peacefully. Several Students of variouscolleges and Employees of various organizations who took part in theseservice activities were very much impressed and influenced by thediscipline, flair and compassion RSS and Seva Bharathi volunteers haveshown in these service activities.
Therehad been several appreciations from the residents of these affectedareas on the modus operandi of our volunteers in all these serviceactivity and sensitivity these volunteers shown towards the affectedpeople.
State Executive of RSS is camping the affected areas to supervise the relief activities.
The findings of the survey conducted by volunteers in Kurnool district :

* 144 Villages affected by the floods.
* 54 Villages are worst affected.
* 112 Villages are partially affected
* 5 tribal hamlets are destroyed by the floods, 8 more Traibal Hamlets are affected by floods
* 71,395 Families out of 144 Villages have been affected severely.

RashtraSevika Samithi has adopted Mavidalapadu village for restorationprocess. 360 Wollen Blankets and 500 Utility and Food grain Kits aredistributed.
Volunteersheaded by Mr Balaiah from Nandikotkur Village adopted Ganapuramvillage. They are taking care of all the necessities of villageresidents till the restoration to the normalcy.
Swayam Sevaks from Betamcherla adopted Panchalingala and Niduduru villages which are worst affected by the floods. They were provided shelter and served cooked meals for 15 days to 8,000 people and helping them to start their regular life.
Ramakrishna Mission and Seva Bharathi adopted Sultanpuram to provide relief and rehabilitation to the affected families.
Swayam Sevaks Nellore distributed 1000 Utility and Food Grain Kits to the affected families in Tandrapadu village.
Swayam Sevaks from Amalapuram distributed 2 truck loads Utility and Food Grain Kits in the affected areas in Kurnool- rural.
Swayam Sevaks from Proddutur prepared and distributed 1,000 utility and food grain kits to be distributed.
Volunteers from Goldsmith association prepared and distributed Utility and Food Grain Kits worth 4 lac rupees with the help of Seva Bharathi.
Medical Camps being Conducted :

* Medical Camp conducted at Jagannatha gattu in Kurnool Town has served several people. This medical camp is started by Dr Udayashankar from Nandyala.
* 5 Mobile clinics are moving around the villages providing necessary medical help.
* Ashwini hospital is providing medical services round the clock through its mobile medical clinic with the help of Seva Bharathi.
* A medical camp was conducted by Dr Sindhu at Mantralaya.
* Dr Ramasubbaiah is providing medical help in the villages around Nandikotkur going around in his medical van.
* Dr Udayshankar along with his wife who is also a doctor are going around the marooned villages nr Nandyala town in boats and providing the necessary medical help.
* Medical camp is being conducted at Nandyala under supervision of Dr.Sahadevudu.
* Dr Parameshwar and Dr Murali are going around the marooned tribal hamlets and other villages and provided necessary medical help.

Medical Camps run by Seva Bharathi 3rd October onwards
Some of the Major Medical Camps conducted at Kurnool District

1. Kalluru, Kurnool
2. Keshav Memorial School, Budhawarpet, Kurnool
3. Rambhotla Temple, 1 town area, Kurnool
4. Vivekananda School, Fort Area, Kurnool
5. Bhavana School, Kotha pet, Kurnool
6. Nandyala
7. Nandikotkur
8. Gokavaram village, Atmakur taluk

The above mentioned camps run till 12thand some have been discontinued due to the scarcity of the medicalsupplies. 125 Doctors participated in the relief work. We plan torevive all these camps along with our mobile medical vans all aroundthe district once we receive the medical supplies.
1,243 Volunteers from different parts of Kurnool district have actively participated in the relief activities.
Mahaboob Nagar :
Inthe second Phase, we established 5 Camps in Mahaboobnagar District.Base Camp at Gadwal, which is in the middle of the affected area.
We surveyedthe affected areas of Mahaboob Nagar District and found that 58Villages are badly destroyed and 16,019 families of many other villagesare devastated. The immediate requirement of these families to besettle down to their daily chores is to have their daily necessities.Hence we supplied the kits to 14,558 families to enable them to startoff their living. Each Kit had Kitchen utensils, food grains andmaterial of daily use. Various other philanthropic organizations helpedus with the material in helping these families
Weare planning to undertake similar steps to supply daily life supportingkits to the people to start their daily routine once we have the finalstatistics.
SeveralOrganizations and Individuals took the help of Seva Bharathi todistribute their Relief Material through its Network of volunteers asit has proven its skills in disaster management by distributingmaterial efficiently and peacefully. Several Students of variouscolleges and Employees of various organizations who took part in theseservice activities were very much impressed and influenced by thediscipline, flair and compassion RSS and Seva Bharathi volunteers haveshown in these service activities.
Therehad been several appreciations from the residents of these affectedareas on the modus operandi of our volunteers in all these serviceactivity and sensitivity these volunteers shown towards the affectedpeople.
Areasin and around Gadwal, Aiza, Vaddepalli, Kollapur, Aalampur, AlapaduMandals are severely affected. Service activities are going on in thesemandals.
Teamof 10 Doctors are going around the affected areas in Mahaboob Nagardistrict treating and giving the medicines under the leadership of DrSurender Reddy. Over 5 Lacs worth of medicines distributed.
20 Medical camps are being conducted under the supervision of Dr Surender Reddy, Organizing Secretary, Arogya Bharathi with the help of his associates.
Medical Camps run by Seva Bharathi 3rd October onwards

* 20 Medical Teams Under the supervision of Dr Surendar Reddy are supervising the health & sanitation conditions and providing medical help in Alampur, Rajouli, Tummilla, E Garlapadu, Attapur, Beechpally, Pullur, R Garlapadu, Maddur, Sherpally, Bhimavaram, Baironpally, Korivipadu, Kondapeta and other villages.
* 2 Teams each consisting of 20 Volunteers are taking care of supply of drinking water.
* Volunteers are burning or burying of carcasses to prevent contagious diseases from spreading.

Palamur/ Mahaboob District
Some of the Major Camps conducted at Alampur, Rajouli, Weepangandla, Kollapur, Aiza, Gadwal.
The above mentioned camps run till 12thand some have been discontinued due to the scarcity of the medicalsupplies. 125 Doctors participated in the relief work. We plan torevive all these camps along with our mobile medical vans all aroundthe district once we receive the medical supplies.
SriVidwan Reddy, Seva Bharathi’s State Organizing Secreatary is operatingout of his base camp in Gadwal to supervise the relief operations inthe district.
Third Phase of Relief :
RSSalready initiated planning for rehabilitation devastated people andreconstruction destroyed villages. We identified various means ofrehabilitation of people like supplying them implements required fortheir occupation. In this process, RSS is having coordinated effortwith many other voluntary, social, cultural and spiritual organizations.
In third Phase, We are making survey in 95 Villages to start reconstruction and rehabilitation process.
SeveralVillages are totally destroyed and several thousands of families arerendered homeless by these floods. RSS and SEVA BHARATHI wishes tocontribute in constructing the homes for at least 2,000 families in ourstate. It is requested all the concerned citizens to contribute tothis.
Inthird Phase, We are making survey in 58 Villages to startreconstruction and rehabilitation process. Weavers – Gadwal,Instruments of artisans
.ACase Study of service of swayam sevaks: One of the flood affectedfamilies were preparing for the marrying of their daughter.Unfortunately in floods they lost everything from the gold they boughtfor the bridem, money and food material they kept ready for thewedding.
Relativesof Bridegroom started pressurizing the brides family to go ahead withthe marriage immediately on schedule or they would cancel the wedding.Bride’s family lost hope and on the verge of loosing that match.
Whenit came to the notice of Swayam Sevaks they went to the family helpedthem with the necessary funds and material to go ahead with themarriage so as to secure the life of that girl.
RSS is calling all of you to come forward to join in this service to the humanity.
Send the cheques or Cash in the Name of Seva Bharathi

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Excerpts of Interview - PP Sarsanghchalak Mohan Ji Bhagwat

Excerpts of Interview - PP Sarsanghchalak Mohan Ji Bhagwat : AAK Tak

Posted: 06 Nov 2009 10:39 PM PST

At a time when the BJP is going through its worst existential crisis, the man with the walrus moustache and a mischievous glint in his eyes has become the most sought-after oracle in town. Mohanrao Bhagwat, the 59-year-old boss of the RSS, plays the role to perfection, and every word of his continues to be worthy of Page 1 nowadays. Watch excerpts of interview

The media savvy Bhagwat's ascension as the head of the House of Saffron has marked a generational as well as cultural shift in the organisation. He is the moderniser, the 21st century face of the RSS. As the BJP seems to have abandoned its core ideology for the sake of coalition politics, Bhagwat has brought Hindutva back to the national agenda. As the BJP suffers from the absence of a leader who can take the party out of the wreckage of defeat, the sixth sarsanghchalak has become the supreme guide and the wise counsellor.

As the party retreats from the national mindspace, he styles himself as the last apostle of the nationalist cause. As its ambitious but discredited leaders struggle for the spoils of a lost war, he tells them: behave or be damned. Still, the Brahmin bachelor from Chandrapur in Maharashtra finds time to read the new Dan Brown.

Like the symbologist hero in The Lost Symbol, Bhagwat too has to think smart and act fast to save the Parivar he heads. In a candid conversation with Editor Prabhu Chawla for the Seedhi Baat show on Aaj Tak channel (today at 9.00 pm) at the RSS office in Jhandewalan in Delhi, Bhagwat talks about subjects ranging from the future leadership of the BJP to Vande Mataram, from Chidambaram to Modi, from Pakistan to China-and more. Excerpts.
"Everyone in India will have to sayVande Mataram. It is for all Indians and was a part of our freedom movement and history."

Q. What do you think about the Deoband reaction againstVande Mataram?
A. Vande Mataram is for all Indians. It was part of our freedom movement and history. There was a time when both Hindus and Muslims sang it.

Q. The Muslims say it is against their religion.
A. I don't think any religion is against desh bhakti. To say Bharat Mata ki Jai and Vande Mataram is not like a religious puja or idol worship.

Q. What is the Sangh's view?
A. (Thumps the table) Vande Mataram kehna hoga (Everyone in India will have to say Vande Mataram).

Q. Do you think the minorities felt threatened after the Masjid fell?
A. I would say that the wishes of the Hindu samaj were ignored by the government. The anger against the system was taken out on the structure.

Q. But your strong take on the Babri Masjid, the Uniform Civil Code and Article 370 makes minorities insecure.
A. Just tell me why is there no rational dialogue regarding such matters. For 90 years there has been no court judgement (on the Ram Mandir). And when nothing happens, the average man loses his balance.

Q. V.P. Singh had a formula to build both mandir and masjid at Ayodhya. As a responsible organisation why don't you show some magnanimity?
A. This will not create unity. If a Ram Mandir is built peacefully, it will end Hindu-Muslim fighting. A mosque can't be constructed at the same site. Let them construct another mosque at some other place and the Hindus will extend all possible help.

Q. The Congress apologised for the anti-Sikh riots and Advani said the demolition was a national shame.
A. The Sangh did not say "demolish the structure" but the court's delay on the verdict angered the people.

Q. Do you agree with Advani that it was a national shame?
A. I don't agree with Advani on this issue. Why didn't they give legal permission for kar seva when so many people had collected for it?

Q. Why is the Sangh unwilling to do something which makes minorities feel safe? Whatever happened in Gujarat also added to the gap between the Sangh and the minorities.
A. Violence is wrong wherever it happens. Don't just look at one side. What happened in Godhra should not have happened. No one talks about the killings at Godhra.

Q. Should Narendra Modi apologise for the Gujarat carnage?
A. He is the head of a state, he has full knowledge of what happened and is capable of giving his reaction. If he thinks that something that needs an apology has taken place, then he will apologise. I am sure. I have also been told the speed with which the riots in Gujarat were controlled is commendable. Why should he apologise if he has done no wrong? That is not the way.
"I don't agree with Advani that Babri was a national shame. Hindus will help them construct a mosque at another place."

Q. Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh were not responsible for the 1984 riots but have apologised. It increases their stature. If Modi or the RSS do the same, they will stand to gain.
A. At that time there was a comment, 'When a big tree falls, some things are bound to happen.' No such statement was made in Gujarat.

Q. Does it mean the RSS will never compromise on its core issues?
A. India's unity and integrity is nonnegotiable. So is the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya and a Uniform Civil Code.

Q. If I understand correctly, you still believe in Akhand Bharat and not in the two-nation theory.
A. It is all part of India. Pakistan is transitory and will become part of India sooner or later.

Q. What about Afghanistan?
A. Pakistan and Afghanistan are a part of us and will return one day.

Q. You claim that the RSS has no direct control over the BJP. But it sent 35 pracharaks to the BJP and they report to you.
A. It is not compulsory that they report to us. We only want them to stick to their principles. We don't interfere in their work.

Q. There have been reports of RSS pressure on the BJP, that Vasundhara Raje was removed because of pressure from the RSS.
A. The RSS had nothing to do with it. This is an internal matter of the BJP.

Q. Four months ago you talked about a change in the BJP leadership. The BJP lost three state elections and no change seems forthcoming.
A. Change will happen but at its own time. I only said what I have been told (by the BJP), they have a plan in mind and it is rolling on.

Q. There is a strong feeling that the RSS is intervening and imposing itself on the BJP.
A. The RSS never intervenes, only gives advice when asked.

Q. But you have said that the new leadership will be someone other than these four (Sushma Swaraj, Arun Jaitley, Venkaiah Naidu and Ananth Kumar).
A. Yes the new leadership will be someone other than these four. This is what I have been told. That is what has been agreed on and I believe the process has begun.

Q. You will get someone from outside Delhi between 50 and 55 years of age?
A. They will get someone from outside Delhi.
"Why should Modi apologise if he has done nothing wrong? Nobody talks about Godhra."

Q. In the last five-six years, several people who are media creations with no affiliation to the Sangh have come into prominence in the BJP. Has this lead to a dilution in ideology?
A. The Sangh is not against anyone, we don't look at anyone whether he is a swayamsevak or not.

Q. Are you worried about an image of corruption amongst the swayamsevaks who have joined the BJP?
A. Politics is a slippery ground but still we don't want to see one of our swayamsevaks slipping. We talk to them but it is up to the BJP to take action against them.

Q. The BJP is a visible face of the Sangh Parivar. Are you worried when you send workers to the party? They also get affected by the personality cult and the individual becomes more important than the organisation.
A. Yes we are worried and we do talk to them about it.

Q. Would you prefer that the party is led by someone who believes in the RSS ideology?
A. Who will lead the party is something they will decide. What we want is someone who articulates our ideology, believes in teamwork, encourages the younger generation and the difference in 'a party with a difference' should be visible to all.

Q. There are some outfits that are not part of the Sangh, yet there is a perception that they belong-like the Sri Ram Sene of Karnataka... Pragya Thakur. Why don't you disassociate the RSS from them?
A. I have already said that I have nothing to do with the Sri Ram Sene. There is no such thing as Hindu terrorism. No Hindu will support terrorism.

Q. Yet you supported Pragya Thakur.
A. No, all we said is that don't do a media trial. Let the courts decide.

Q. I saw a recent statement by the Sangh saying that P. Chidambaram is doing good work.
A. He is saying a lot of good things, but if he delivers on these, we will definitely praise him.

Q. Are we soft on China?
A. I have my doubts if the Government is alert on China. It has a well-defined strategy of encircling India. China has surrounded us by wooing our neighbouring countries from Maldives to Pakistan. We have to liberate our neighbours from the clutches of China.

Q. Have the Chinese defeated us at diplomacy?
A. Overtaken, not defeated. We can still do something.
"Chidambaram is saying a lot of good things. Let him deliver, only then will we praise him."

Q. Regarding Pakistan, the BJP seems confused. What is the RSS view?
A. Pakistan exists on the premise of being anti-India. Pakistan needs to be given a decisive reply for all its mischievous actions, we need another military victory over Pakistan. That is perhaps the only way by which we can prevent a 26/11 and terror attacks.

Q. Have we lost an opportunity to score a military victory?
A. When Parliament was attacked and then after 26/11. Our government failed us then. We lacked the will.

Q. Do you agree that a strong and stable Pakistan is good for India?
A. If Pakistan is mentally healthy and gives up anti-India sentiments only then it's good for India.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fatwa issued against 'Vande Mataram'

Fatwa issued against 'Vande Mataram'

Posted: 02 Nov 2009 10:37 PM PST

Jamait-e-Ulema Hind or the JEU on Tuesday issued a fatwa against singing national song 'Vande Mataram'.

According to a resolution, Muslims should not sing 'Vande Mataram' as its reciting is against the Islam. The resolution, which was passed at the Deoband national convention meet, says that Muslims should not sing 'Vande Mataram' as some verses of the patriotic song are against the tenets of Islam. The JEU leader said that the some of the line in the song is against Islam.

Meanwhile, home minister P Chidambaram will address a Jamait-e-Ulema Hind conference in Deoband today. The home minister will also discuss the Sachar Committee Report and POTA issue with Deoband leaders.

Meanwhile, the Muslim Law Board justified the decision saying that (Muslims) can’t offer prayers to anyone but Allah. Kamal Farooqui, a prominent leader of the Board said, "We love the nation but can't worship it."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

some one against vandhematharam

വന്ദേമാതരത്തിനെതിരെ ഫത്‌വ
ദിയോബാന്‍സ്‌: ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ദേശീയഗീതമായ വന്ദേമാതരം ആലപിയ്‌ക്കുന്നത്‌ ഇസ്ലാം വിരുദ്ധമാണെന്ന്‌ പുരോഹിത സംഘടനയായ ജാമിയത്‌ ഇ ഉലേമ ഹിന്ദ്‌. വന്ദേമാതരം ആലപിയ്‌ക്കുന്നതിനെതിരെ സംഘടന ഫത്‌ വയും പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചു.

ഇത്‌ പ്രകാരം മുസ്ലീങ്ങള്‍ വന്ദേമാതരം ചൊല്ലുന്നത്‌ വിലക്കിയിട്ടുണ്ട്‌. ഗീതത്തിലെ ചില വരികള്‍ ഇസ്ലാമിനെതിരാണെന്നാണ്‌ പുരോഹിതരുടെ വാദം. തിങ്കളാഴ്‌ച ഉത്തര്‍പ്രദേശിലെ ദിയോബാന്‍സില്‍ ആരംഭിച്ച ജാമിയത്‌ ദേശീയ യോഗത്തിലാണ്‌ വന്ദേമാതരത്തിനെതിരെ ഫത്‌വ പുറപ്പെടുവിച്ചിരിയ്‌ക്കുന്നത്‌.

കേന്ദ്ര ആഭ്യന്തര മന്ത്രി പി ചിദംബരം ജാമിയത്‌ ദേശീയ യോഗത്തെ അഭിമുഖീകരിയ്‌ക്കാനിരിയ്‌ക്കെയാണ്‌ തീരുമാനം പുറത്തുവന്നിരിയ്‌ക്കുന്നത്‌. ഇസ്ലാമിക നിയമ ബോര്‍ഡും ഇതിനെ ന്യായീകരിച്ച്‌ രംഗത്തെത്തിയിട്ടുണ്ട്‌. അള്ളാഹുവിനെ അല്ലാതെ മറ്റാരെയും ആരാധിയ്‌ക്കാന്‍ മുസ്ലീങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ കഴിയില്ലെന്നാണ്‌ മുസ്ലീം നിയമ ബോര്‍ഡ്‌ വിശദീകരിയ്‌ക്കുന്നത്‌. ദേശത്തെ സ്‌നേഹിയ്‌ക്കാം എന്നാല്‍ ആരാധിയ്‌ക്കാനാവില്ലെന്നാണ്‌ ഫത്‌വയെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ ഇസ്ലാമിക നിയമ ബോര്‍ഡിലെ ഉന്നതനായ കമല്‍ ഫാറൂഖി പ്രതികരിച്ചത്‌.

ഭരതാംബയെ സ്‌തുതിയ്‌ക്കുന്ന ഗീതമായി ബങ്കിം ചന്ദ്ര ചാറ്റര്‍ജി രചിച്ച വന്ദേമാതരത്തെ ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ദേശീയ ഗാനത്തിനൊപ്പമാണ്‌ രാജ്യം പ്രതിഷ്‌ഠിച്ചിരിയ്‌ക്കുന്നത്‌. സ്വതന്ത്ര്യസമരകാലത്ത്‌ ബ്രീട്ടീഷ്‌ ഭരണത്തിനെതിരെ പോരാടിയ സേനാനികള്‍ വന്ദേമാതരം ആലപിച്ചു കൊണ്ടാണ്‌ സമരങ്ങളില്‍ പങ്കെടുത്തത്‌