Sewa Bharathi AP Final Report on flood relief
Posted: 08 Nov 2009 05:54 AM PST
Seva Bharathi’s Succor to the flood victims
SevaBharathi is a service organization started by few concerned serviceoriented persons inspired by the ideals of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh.It has grown to manage 1.5 lac service activities all over India.
Thesudden floods in four districts of Andhra Pradesh state createddevastation in the lives of more than two lakhs families completelymaking them home less. The death toll as per the papers is increased to200 hundred people and an unaccounted number of animals have been drownin flood water. The government has declared that the estimated loss ofthe floods is Rs.12,225 corers in addition to the infrastructure damage of Rs. 10,000 crores.
Thefloods affected districts in Kurnool are due to overflow of Thungabadraand Kundu rivers and Srislaiam dam; Mahboob Nagar, Guntur and Krishnadistricts are due to The Krishna river floods.
Allthe roads and railway lines and communications system have beencompletely broke down. Many villages cannot be reached even today.Railway lines are assured to get repaired at the earliest. Roads cannotbe repaired soon.
TheKrishna, Godavari district has the history of getting affected byfloods and cyclones from time to time has they are located in low tideareas. The Mahaboob Nagar and Kurnool districts are historically drydistricts and are frequently affected by drought. It is first time inthe History after 100 years they have been affected so badly.
Seva Bharathi’s vast resource of compassionate voluntary force was supplemented by the dedicated volunteers from other like minded organizations like Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Akhil Bharatiya Vidhyarthi Parishad, Saraswati Vidya Pitham and Rashtra Sevika Samiti. Seva Bharathi being the largest non governmental organization in India, with its volunteers located each and every corner of affected areas, responded swiftly to help the affected before anybody including government could reach these areas. Despite the availability of only little material resources and funds, Swayam Sevaks raised above the expectations to serve and reach each and every affected persons in these disastrous times.
Methodology adopted in Flood Relief :
Phase 1
1. Rescuing the people from Submerged Areas
2. Reaching Cooked and Packaged food material to the affected people in the submerged areas.
3. Establishing the relief camps and serving cooked meals.
4. Establishing Medical Camps
No of Relief Camps conducted
Supply of Food Packets
* Rice Packets
* Chapati Packets
* Bread Pakets
* Buiscuit Packets
No of People Rescued
No of people served Meals in Relief camps
2 Lacs
15 Lacs
2.2 Lacs
1.2 Lacs
1.5 Lacs
3 Lacs
1 Lac
Phase – 2
1. Surveying the villages and urban areas affected by the floods
2. Collecting the information of the affected families in the house to house survey. .
3. Issuing relief cards to all the affected families for the supply of Relief Material
4. Preparation of Relief Kits consisting of Food Grains, Utensils, Mats, Blankets, Clothing and other essentials.
5. Reaching the Relief material to all the affected families.
6. Cleaning the Public Places like schools, temples and helped several families.
7. Undertaken scavenging by collecting the scattered carcass and burying/ burning them.
Total affected
Survey done by our volunteers in
Food supplied by us in
Kits supplied by us in
Total No of the Affected
Food and Kits supplied to
Medical Help received by
No of Volunteers worked
No of Caracass Buried / Burnt
Total Cost of Material supplied
Cost of the Material contributed by other organizations
144 Villages
95 Villages
86 Villages
96 Villages
71,895 Families
51,070 Families
44 Villages
1,243 Nos
Rs. 2.51 Crores
Rs. 3.04 Crore
61 Villages
61 Villages
61 Villages
61 Villages
16,019 Families
39 Villages
1,560 Nos
Rs. 2.18 Crore
Rs. 0.98 Crore
Phase – 3
1. Rehabilitation – Supplying the implements to farmers and village artisans.
2. Supply of school kits to students.
3. Helping the weavers of Kurnool and Mahaboob Nagar districts to start their livelihood.
4. Construction of community centers to facilitate Education, Health and community activities.
Field of Activity
Cost Rs.
Study Kits
for 1st to 9th Class
for 10th Class
for Intermediate and above
Expenditure of Study Centre
Tools for Agriculture Labour
Tools for Artisan
Black Smith
Barber's kit
Washer Man's Kit
Construction Worker
Fisher Man
Stiching Machine
Health & Miscillaneous
Seva Bharathi volunteers are the first to jump in to serve in this time of great devastation despite their own families are flood affected. Seva Bharathi volunteers reached deep inside the flood affected area which is generally out of bounds for any vehicle, on two wheelers and on foot carrying food on their head, are the first to feed the people who were starving days together.
Thorough Surveying by Seva Bharathi’s Volunteers helped in making the relief material reach all the flood victims equally. These survey reports helped many other organizations to distribute their material to the real needyavoiding the duplication. Their surveys helped in identifying the realneeds of the victims and in turn had been very handy in serving thembetter. Established very disciplined and systematic distribution system for relief material.
Involved local residents in distribution process to affectively reach all the needy.
Seva bharathi identified people from certain sections of the society who never came out to take the relief material or food despite their suffering due to their self respect. Our Volunteers went to their houses to hand them these with love and affection and treated them with respect. Serving them food and water packets going to each and every house and talking to them with love and respect Firstand foremost thing in the mind of all our volunteers is to honor theself respect of all those affected whom they are serving.
Inthe second Phase operations, we handed over the food grains andnecessary amenity kits to all the affected families to start theirregular daily activities on their own.
Afterthe fury of floods and its devastation is known, every concernedcitizen tried to reach out to the needy. Several organizations whichcame forward with huge relief material could not reach it to the eachand every needy due to hungry and anxious mobs who could not becontrolled, amounting to the chaos in distribution.
RSS also initiated the process of bringing together and collaborating with various NGOs and individual philanthropists for a coordinated effort to use the resources in the better manner in doing relief work with the help of our volunteers and our survey reports in the affected villages. After working with our workers they exclaimed that “RSS really stands for Ready for Selfless Service”
Some of the other voluntary organizations helped in our Manava Seva:
Mamatha Welfare Society of Infosys Employees; Rama Krishna Mission, Sundara Satsang, Uppal, Hyderabad; Pulla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad; Bharati Engineering College, Hyderabad; Cloth Merchants Association, Kamareddy; All Party Committee- Patancheru; Chilukuri Mahila Sangham, Tanduri Mahila Sangham, Vande Mataram Foundation, Gayatri Pariwar, Help for Needy, Sanskriti Foundation, Bharati Vikas Parishad, Shirdi Sai Seva Sadan, Nellore; Geetanjali School, Udayagiri, Nellore; Gopi Krishna High School, Ongole Automobile Dealers Association, Rajastan Samaj, Kadapa; Czech Colony Welfare Association, Hyderabad; Group of Employees from Mentor Gaphics, Mahatma Seva Samiti, Kodada; Pennar Industries Ltd, Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Jayanti Committee, Pamidi Mandal; Telugu One Foundation.
First Phase of Relief Operations:
Kurnool :
Our Volunteers starteddistributing food packets brought by their fellow volunteers from theneighboring villages and Districts. RSS has supplied food packets to over one lac families in the district for the first 3 days reaching the interior rural areas of Karnool. Since the connectivity to Karnool has been cut off from Hyderabad, Material is being brought in from Anantapur, Kadapa, Nellore and Raichure of Karnataka
RSSvolunteers are the first to survey all the affected villages. Thisinformation helped in immensely in establishing distribution system forfood & water packets and later in the KITS distribution. Whiledoing the survey, our volunteers counseled the local people, collectedinformation and chose the volunteers among them which facilitatedsmooth and free distribution of kits and food material. This entireprocess instilled confidence in all those people hence they did notrush and did not create any problems in distribution.
RSS started the relief camps in Karnool town in Saraswati Sishu Mandir and G Pulla Reddy Engineering College. Supplied thousands food and water Packets to the Karnool town from here.
InKurnool 25,000 Flood affected people took shelter in the relief campsconducted by RSS and for three days cooked meals were served to them.Later on Volunteers reached them food and water packets at their homes
In Hindupur, Swayam Sevaks started 5 food preparation and collection Centres immediately on 3rd October sent 1 lac food packets to Kurnool. .
InAnantapur, Swayamsevaks started a food collection centre with anintention of sending 10,000 food packets. With an overwhelming responsefrom the people of Anantapur, the centre could prepare 50,000 packetsand other material worth 5 lacs sent for the needy in Karnool district.
In Dronachalam(Dhone), Swayamsevaks sent 50,000 food packets and 1 lac water packets for Karnool.
1 Lac Chapatis were sent by Swayam Sevaks from Tadipatri for distribution on 3rd Oct. Volunteers from Betamcherla prepared and supplied 1 Lac Cooked Food packets on 4th Oct.
One Swayam Sevak from Old Cityof Kurnool arranged meals for 1,000 people on the Terrace of theirApartment complex despite being their own Building is submerged.Despite being an affected person he is still conducting Medical Campsin Kurnool.
SwayamSevaks saved 72 people from the flood waters at Medara Veedhi, KurnoolTown. Some of our Swayam Sevaks helped government authorities to reachthe submerged areas in the district.
Inthe Tribal Belt- Shivapuram, our swayam Sevaks saved 50 people of thechenchu gudem from flood waters with the help of ropes.
At Gokavaram, Swayam Sevaks arranged Meals for 600 people for 6 days at Seva Bharathi Tribal Avas.
20 Swayam Sevaks assisted TV9 in their relief activities upon their request.
Volunteersfrom Nandikotkur went into the villages which went under the water andrescued 45 families and brought them to the safety and gave them food. Volunteers collected 30 quintals of Rice for distribution.
Drinking water is supplied in 4 Tractors for 6 days 16 hours a day.
Volunteersfrom Adoni went Mantralaya cleaned Mantralaya temple and cleared theDead Bodies of Cows of Goshala and other animals. Many of the dead arethe Piligrims to Mantrala Temple. Swayamsevaks(volunteers) has removedthese bodies and handed over to the police.
In Hyderabad, 2000 Swayamsevaks worked in collecting the funds, food and material which needed for flood affected. Twocollection centre are established at State HQ of RSS and KeshavMemorial School. Every Day 4 truck loads of food material, 2 trucksloads of other immediate necessities to flood affected areas. 200volunteers rushed to the flood affected areas to involve in the hygieneand sanitation work from the city.
Sri Raghavulu, All India Secreatary VHP, visited affected areas and met the volunteers involved in the work in Karnool,
Mahaboob Nagar :
Our Volunteers starteddistributing food packets brought by their fellow volunteers from theneighboring villages and Districts. RSS has supplied food packets to over one lac families in the districts in the first three 3 days reaching the interior rural areas of Mahaboob Nagar.
At Gadwal, A relief Camp is being conducted at TTD Kalyana Mandapam. Food packets are supplied to 61 Villages.
Ourvolunteers reached interior villages like Pullur, Karivipadu, Mettur,Tummilla, Tummalapalli on foot to reach food and water packets to theaffected families in the knee deep slush.
Conductedrelief camps at Sindhanur, Bhoidoddi, Bhoilagudem, TT Doddi even forthe flood victims coming in from the Karnataka and provided themshelter and food.
RSSvolunteers are the first to survey all the affected villages. Thisinformation helped immensely in establishing distribution system forfood & water packets and later in the KITS distribution. Whiledoing the survey, our volunteers counseled the local people, collectedinformation and involved the local people in the service activity whichfacilitated smooth distribution of kits and food material. This entireprocess instilled confidence in all those people hence they did notrush and did not create any problems in distribution.
In Hyderabad, 2000 Swayamsevaks collected the funds, food and material which needed for flood affected. Twocollection centre are established at State HQ of RSS and KeshavMemorial School. Every Day 4 truck loads of food material, 2 trucksloads of other immediate necessities to flood affected areas. 200volunteers rushed to the flood affected areas to involve in the hygieneand sanitation work from the city.
SriT V Deshmukh , State President of RSS and State Organizing Secretary ofSeva Bharati Sri Vidwan Reddy have visited Gadwal relief Camp and metthe volunteers working in Mahaboob Nagar.
Second Phase of Relief :
Kurnool :
Atpresent, We are trying to give the Basic Utility kits for the familiesof 5to6 k depending on the availability. We are also taking supportfrom other voluntary organizations in this regard to reach out to totalno of families
In addition to the local volunteers, 50 Senior volunteers are coordinating the activities in Kurnool and Mantralaya surroundings.
In the Kurnool Town, Team of 200 Volunteers are formed to help the citizens in removing the slush out of their houses.
In Kurnool Town, Swayam Sevaks cleaned 8 Temples and 3 Schools and made them habitable.
SevaBharathi is one of the very few Non Governmental Organizations allowedto distribute Food Packets around Kurnool District by the localadministration.
Keshava Reddy Group of educational institutions supplied 20 Vehicles towards the logistics of Relief Operations.
“Pullareddy Group of educational institutions” extended the necessary help through its resources in relief operations.
SeveralOrganizations and Individuals took the help of Seva Bharathi todistribute their Relief Material through its Network of volunteers asit has proven its skills in disaster management by distributingmaterial efficiently and peacefully. Several Students of variouscolleges and Employees of various organizations who took part in theseservice activities were very much impressed and influenced by thediscipline, flair and compassion RSS and Seva Bharathi volunteers haveshown in these service activities.
Therehad been several appreciations from the residents of these affectedareas on the modus operandi of our volunteers in all these serviceactivity and sensitivity these volunteers shown towards the affectedpeople.
State Executive of RSS is camping the affected areas to supervise the relief activities.
The findings of the survey conducted by volunteers in Kurnool district :
* 144 Villages affected by the floods.
* 54 Villages are worst affected.
* 112 Villages are partially affected
* 5 tribal hamlets are destroyed by the floods, 8 more Traibal Hamlets are affected by floods
* 71,395 Families out of 144 Villages have been affected severely.
RashtraSevika Samithi has adopted Mavidalapadu village for restorationprocess. 360 Wollen Blankets and 500 Utility and Food grain Kits aredistributed.
Volunteersheaded by Mr Balaiah from Nandikotkur Village adopted Ganapuramvillage. They are taking care of all the necessities of villageresidents till the restoration to the normalcy.
Swayam Sevaks from Betamcherla adopted Panchalingala and Niduduru villages which are worst affected by the floods. They were provided shelter and served cooked meals for 15 days to 8,000 people and helping them to start their regular life.
Ramakrishna Mission and Seva Bharathi adopted Sultanpuram to provide relief and rehabilitation to the affected families.
Swayam Sevaks Nellore distributed 1000 Utility and Food Grain Kits to the affected families in Tandrapadu village.
Swayam Sevaks from Amalapuram distributed 2 truck loads Utility and Food Grain Kits in the affected areas in Kurnool- rural.
Swayam Sevaks from Proddutur prepared and distributed 1,000 utility and food grain kits to be distributed.
Volunteers from Goldsmith association prepared and distributed Utility and Food Grain Kits worth 4 lac rupees with the help of Seva Bharathi.
Medical Camps being Conducted :
* Medical Camp conducted at Jagannatha gattu in Kurnool Town has served several people. This medical camp is started by Dr Udayashankar from Nandyala.
* 5 Mobile clinics are moving around the villages providing necessary medical help.
* Ashwini hospital is providing medical services round the clock through its mobile medical clinic with the help of Seva Bharathi.
* A medical camp was conducted by Dr Sindhu at Mantralaya.
* Dr Ramasubbaiah is providing medical help in the villages around Nandikotkur going around in his medical van.
* Dr Udayshankar along with his wife who is also a doctor are going around the marooned villages nr Nandyala town in boats and providing the necessary medical help.
* Medical camp is being conducted at Nandyala under supervision of Dr.Sahadevudu.
* Dr Parameshwar and Dr Murali are going around the marooned tribal hamlets and other villages and provided necessary medical help.
Medical Camps run by Seva Bharathi 3rd October onwards
Some of the Major Medical Camps conducted at Kurnool District
1. Kalluru, Kurnool
2. Keshav Memorial School, Budhawarpet, Kurnool
3. Rambhotla Temple, 1 town area, Kurnool
4. Vivekananda School, Fort Area, Kurnool
5. Bhavana School, Kotha pet, Kurnool
6. Nandyala
7. Nandikotkur
8. Gokavaram village, Atmakur taluk
The above mentioned camps run till 12thand some have been discontinued due to the scarcity of the medicalsupplies. 125 Doctors participated in the relief work. We plan torevive all these camps along with our mobile medical vans all aroundthe district once we receive the medical supplies.
1,243 Volunteers from different parts of Kurnool district have actively participated in the relief activities.
Mahaboob Nagar :
Inthe second Phase, we established 5 Camps in Mahaboobnagar District.Base Camp at Gadwal, which is in the middle of the affected area.
We surveyedthe affected areas of Mahaboob Nagar District and found that 58Villages are badly destroyed and 16,019 families of many other villagesare devastated. The immediate requirement of these families to besettle down to their daily chores is to have their daily necessities.Hence we supplied the kits to 14,558 families to enable them to startoff their living. Each Kit had Kitchen utensils, food grains andmaterial of daily use. Various other philanthropic organizations helpedus with the material in helping these families
Weare planning to undertake similar steps to supply daily life supportingkits to the people to start their daily routine once we have the finalstatistics.
SeveralOrganizations and Individuals took the help of Seva Bharathi todistribute their Relief Material through its Network of volunteers asit has proven its skills in disaster management by distributingmaterial efficiently and peacefully. Several Students of variouscolleges and Employees of various organizations who took part in theseservice activities were very much impressed and influenced by thediscipline, flair and compassion RSS and Seva Bharathi volunteers haveshown in these service activities.
Therehad been several appreciations from the residents of these affectedareas on the modus operandi of our volunteers in all these serviceactivity and sensitivity these volunteers shown towards the affectedpeople.
Areasin and around Gadwal, Aiza, Vaddepalli, Kollapur, Aalampur, AlapaduMandals are severely affected. Service activities are going on in thesemandals.
Teamof 10 Doctors are going around the affected areas in Mahaboob Nagardistrict treating and giving the medicines under the leadership of DrSurender Reddy. Over 5 Lacs worth of medicines distributed.
20 Medical camps are being conducted under the supervision of Dr Surender Reddy, Organizing Secretary, Arogya Bharathi with the help of his associates.
Medical Camps run by Seva Bharathi 3rd October onwards
* 20 Medical Teams Under the supervision of Dr Surendar Reddy are supervising the health & sanitation conditions and providing medical help in Alampur, Rajouli, Tummilla, E Garlapadu, Attapur, Beechpally, Pullur, R Garlapadu, Maddur, Sherpally, Bhimavaram, Baironpally, Korivipadu, Kondapeta and other villages.
* 2 Teams each consisting of 20 Volunteers are taking care of supply of drinking water.
* Volunteers are burning or burying of carcasses to prevent contagious diseases from spreading.
Palamur/ Mahaboob District
Some of the Major Camps conducted at Alampur, Rajouli, Weepangandla, Kollapur, Aiza, Gadwal.
The above mentioned camps run till 12thand some have been discontinued due to the scarcity of the medicalsupplies. 125 Doctors participated in the relief work. We plan torevive all these camps along with our mobile medical vans all aroundthe district once we receive the medical supplies.
SriVidwan Reddy, Seva Bharathi’s State Organizing Secreatary is operatingout of his base camp in Gadwal to supervise the relief operations inthe district.
Third Phase of Relief :
RSSalready initiated planning for rehabilitation devastated people andreconstruction destroyed villages. We identified various means ofrehabilitation of people like supplying them implements required fortheir occupation. In this process, RSS is having coordinated effortwith many other voluntary, social, cultural and spiritual organizations.
In third Phase, We are making survey in 95 Villages to start reconstruction and rehabilitation process.
SeveralVillages are totally destroyed and several thousands of families arerendered homeless by these floods. RSS and SEVA BHARATHI wishes tocontribute in constructing the homes for at least 2,000 families in ourstate. It is requested all the concerned citizens to contribute tothis.
Inthird Phase, We are making survey in 58 Villages to startreconstruction and rehabilitation process. Weavers – Gadwal,Instruments of artisans
.ACase Study of service of swayam sevaks: One of the flood affectedfamilies were preparing for the marrying of their daughter.Unfortunately in floods they lost everything from the gold they boughtfor the bridem, money and food material they kept ready for thewedding.
Relativesof Bridegroom started pressurizing the brides family to go ahead withthe marriage immediately on schedule or they would cancel the wedding.Bride’s family lost hope and on the verge of loosing that match.
Whenit came to the notice of Swayam Sevaks they went to the family helpedthem with the necessary funds and material to go ahead with themarriage so as to secure the life of that girl.
RSS is calling all of you to come forward to join in this service to the humanity.
Send the cheques or Cash in the Name of Seva Bharathi